With all the lovely rain we have been having in Brisbane over the last few weeks, my Mum's garden has been sprouting all manner of mushrooms! And where there's mushrooms...there's fairies. In some hidden, secretive part of my soul I long for all those exquisite Shirley Barber artworks to be real. I imagine a tiny world where gossamer wings flit to firefly lit balls. And tea parties where honeysuckle tea drunk from teeny jonquil cups and saucers are laid upon dewy spiderweb tablecloths. Where a furled leaf propels one sleepily down an inky stream. Oh imagination...it may just be the most potent and magically uplifting drug known to man.
When I spied a delightful mushroom tent in a boutique baby shop I decided that Bijou simply had to have one. I gingerly turned over the price tag....you know the way, when you want to appear like you could afford everything in the shop but barely have enough change for a coffee. Cue music from Psycho!! This tent was not coming home with me. But never to be one to be told "you can't do that Stephanie!" I set about constructing my own version. A crab pot, some PVC pipe, oodles of fabric and a whole lotta patience ét voila!! The mushroom tent!

Mon petit poppet thinks it's magic! She doesn't notice the wonky seams, the odd few fraying edges peeking out here and there, nor the rather un-circular circles. And you know what....when I see my little fairy flit in and out of it in that magical play land of her imagination...I don't either.
To feed your imagination please pop over to Kirsty's lovely blog for other creative spaces.