23 Oct 2013

pointer to thumb

Pointer to thumb. Pointer to thumb. Over and over, pointer to thumb. Small discs grasped, lifted and placed - repetition.  Sometimes with intention, sometimes with abandon. Following lines and keeping order. Embracing spontaneity and raining from a height.  Hushed voices and concentration tongues. Animated chatter and crinkly smiles. Pointer to thumb. Pointer to thumb.

Steph x


  1. Oh, that close up of her is so sweet! It makes me wish I could go back and re-photograph my children all over again. :)

  2. So lovely, what a great activity, it looks like she loves it x

  3. Oh how magical steph! Such simplicity...you are one amazing mumma providing such experiences xx

  4. I love this Steph. Love pics and post :)

  5. So lovely Steph! I'm hoping to have this as a provocation in my Kinder class within the next few weeks... calms even the most "spirited" children ;-)


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