Oh my giddy aunt! The trusty old Jan (Janome that is to those who don't know her intimately) is working up a storm at the mo. She soldiers on without so much as a grunt or a whine and even bears the brunt of my "bobbin running out 2 centimetres from the end" tanties. Now Santa don't try a tell me that your elves behave in a similar fashion because I simply don't believe you.
With this being a handmade Christmas and all in our petit maison I would be quite possibly on my way to the loony bin without her. Pencil rolls coming out of my ears people!

With some op shopped place mats and pillow cases and some leftover fabric from this little ensemble....and nothing up my sleeve...hey presto! (Was I the only child twitty enough to enjoy Rocky and Bullwinkle?!!)

Only a few more to go....I think I'm on a roll!!!
Oh my! Please excuse that terrible pun...I think I need to pencil in a wee lie down to recuperate.

(Cue groans and eyes rolling from lovely blog readers).