I never had the staying power as a wee person to amass a collection of anything enviable. Classmates dug into their tidy boxes to retrieve tin pencil cases filled with pristine rubbers (erasers to those who use "rubbers" in a different light!) of every shape and smell. Ice creams, Christmas trees, teeny tiny pandas....

I dabbled but this fickle lass ended up with a few mangy looking blobs either grey in the corner from use or crumbled into the corners of said tidy box (only to be discarded during that heavenly end of term class activity...the tidy box clean out!... heavenly that is, except the year I left the painted boiled Easter egg in there over the school hols....pee-yoo!!!)
Then there was a brief stint as a stamp collector! Again I lacked certain qualities necessary for such a hobby such as organisation...tidiness....stamps of variety!! I did however have page after page of the Queen's face so that's a collection of sorts I guess.

For a vast collection of crafty folk pop over here.