We love tomatoes in our house. So much so that poppet managed to consume an entire punnet of cherry tomatoes in the seat of the trolley whilst this Mumma Bear was otherwise occupied with the "joy" that is grocery shopping heavily pregnant....with a toddler...on pension day!

I house them happily on our kitchen bench smug in the knowledge that I'm squeezing every last drop of deliciousness out of them as their perfume seems to pulsate from their swollen, almost bursting skins.

This has a minor disadvantage however. Alas, whenever I heave mon petit poppet up onto the bench to help with some culinary task I only need turn my head for a whisker and her Go, Go Gadget arms have plucked a tomato from it's resting place and she's merrily chomping into it. Sprung in the act she quickly returns the attacked fruit to it's vintage plate bed and grins a tomato seedy grin at me. Seconds later though she's back at it...but with a new tomato!! It's nothing for me to reach for a tomato and find five or six with giant vampire style bites out of them.

So when faced with such a dilemma this very morn whilst concocting my favourite pregnancy brekkie du jour....avocado and tomato on toast with lime juice and sea salt... (Oh what a step up from the first trimester Kraft cheese spread AND butter piled high on a wafer thin slice of white toast brekkie!) some relish making was in order.

I had about half a kilo of tomatoes and they were cut into wedges, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper and roasted in a 160 degree oven for around an hour and a half. Their caramlised lusciousness was then plonked into a saucepan with 2 crushed garlic cloves, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar and left to bubble away on a low heat until it started to thicken.