Well after having quite a giggle at what you thought was my lie, it's time to fess up!! Not only to what is the falsehood but more embarrassingly....the truths! Hello, my name is Stephanie and I love Delta Goodrem (echo..."hello Stephanie"). Sad as you may think..I could play (and sing along to) Delta all day, every day. Yes I have many other favourites but when the chips are down Delta's my gal! O.k. stop sniggering!!!!

And yes, I am terrified of horses. A story too traumatic to relay right now. I'll work up the courage to relive those excruciating moments and fill you in at a later date. And me as an astronaut....ha!! But it was a dream of mine...albeit a fleeting one. Shame I failed Physics and Maths II. Could have been an issue perhaps in deep dark outer space. "Houston, we have a wee problem!"

The Paris one...tick! And delayed name changing....tick, tick. And as far as the sixth sense goes, with the risk of sounding all "Mystic Melanie" on you, my gut feeling has never been wrong....no, never! The hairs stand up on the back of my neck when things aren't quite right and I always follow that feeling...no exceptions. I think it has saved me from some pretty scary episodes!

So yes, the lie was offal. Me loving offal...oh my, could there be a statement any more false. Nothing makes my stomach heave more than a plate of tripe (retching at the thought!). When hubby and I first started going out as mere babes he took me to his family home (an offal loving home I must tell you) and there in his fridge was an ox tongue! Now, I'm not making fun. Each to their own I say but to see that "thing" pressed into a little dish was enough to end the relationship. Thankfully, I didn't let a little (read: HUGE!) aversion to offal turn me off the most remarkable man in the universe.

One part of me that I didn't mention is how crafting has become a way of life for me (o.k. somewhat obvious considering this is what I blog about)! I now find I get tetchy if I haven't made something each day. Nothing is so grounding as stirring a batter, sewing a stitch or
knitting a row or two (yes it still continues!!). I do it because I must.
My creative space this week is filled with pressies. I have plenty of birthdays to celebrate this month so first cabs out of the rank are these little glasses and sunglasses cases from
Sew Darn Cute for two special ladies. Here's hoping they can fill them with Chanel!!!
To see what all the busy bees out there have been making please pop into
Kirsty's lovely blog.