29 Jun 2010
Lavez les plats, séchez les plats, retournez les plats - { Wash the dishes, dry the dishes, turn the dishes over }

In order to add another little tick to my eco goals list and perhaps make washing up just that little bit more fun....(yeah, right!!!), I've started making my own washing up liquid. Packaged up in a glass bottle with a little pretty card label with the recipe on the back and tied with vintage ribbon it also makes a festive addition to the kitchen bench top.

It's seen us through quite a few weeks now and although it can make the glassware a little streaky at times I'm pretty happy with it (I just put a little hot water in the other sink to give glasses and cutlery a quick rinse...et voila!). The only unnerving quality is that it doesn't suds up! Word on the street (Random Scientific Facts Avenue to be precise) is that modern dishwashing liquids don't need to suds up in order to clean effectively but the manufacturers add a sudsing ingredient to keep us all happy! Apparently we'd all have conniptions if our soap wasn't putting on a razzle dazzle bubbly show. Are you sensing a flock of fluffy white sheep following each others' tails....baaaa!

The recipe for this understated performer (no frills, sequins, fripperies.....or bubbles required) is 3 tabs. liquid castille soap, 2 tsp. glycerine, 2 tabs. lemon juice/white vinegar (I prefer lemon juice), 10 drops of lemon essential oil and 2 cups of warm water.
Time will tell whether this recipe's a keeper ...have to weigh up if the sometimes slightly streaky glasses and scummy sink are too much of a bother...or am I simply a dishwashing liquid snob....or worse....a lazy bones! At the end of the day, it does do a fab job, smells scrummy and keeps the fishies and dolphins happy. C'est la vie!
28 Jun 2010
Les Marchés au Puces - { The Market of the Fleas }

There has been a little dark place in my heart for the last five years or so where the Shingle Inn used to burn...that is until the wonderful news that it will again shine in a new home with all the original loveliness. City Hall will now be the proud governess of my beloved tea drinking spot and I simply can not wait!!!

In homage to this fabulous news I thought I'd share my ever growing collection of tea cups. I use them every day and never pay too much for them. Yes, tears are shed when a special favourite is broken but things this gorgeous should not be gathering dust in a display cabinet. Nothing is quite so lovely as a dishrack filled with sherbet coloured cups, saucers and plates. It also means I've had lots of cups of tea that day too...bliss!
Why not dig out your favourite cup and saucer and have a cuppa while you meander through all the loveliness at Sophie's. I might just join you.
24 Jun 2010
Mon Espace Créateur - Déja Vu - { My Creative Space - Déja Vu }

There doesn't seem to be an English equivalent of the French phrase Déja Vu, yet it's a feeling we've all experienced at some time. It's that eerie sensation that you've been here or seen that before. It's the feeling that often gives you goose bumps and causes you to turn around to check you're not being followed by a wispy figure muttering "woooo" under its breath.
Believe it or not but my creative space this week is enveloping me in that very same feeling. Some time ago (O.K. absolutely ages ago!!) I embarked on a knitting journey to conquer not only my deep seated fear of knitting but to overcome my inability to finish challenging projects. Well here it is....and no, it's not finished! Déja Vu again!!
It is my belief that déja vu is the universe's (insert whomever of whichever spiritual deity you subscribe to be it God, Buddha, Jehovah...or the mothership if you're a lounge jumping Tom Cruise type!) way of keeping us on track. Helping to remind us of promises made to ourselves, highlighting areas of our physche we may need to tweak a little...or just embrace and relish! It bids us to question, "I've been here before....when, why?".
This week I've rather uncomfortably been reminded of a creative and personal goal I set for myself...one which has been shelved as it was starting to feel a little raw and unnerving (kinda like pulling that straggly bit of cuticle too far!). But with a helping hand from Madam Déja Vu and the brilliant knitter extraordinaire, Kylie of Kylie's Crafts (as far as knitters go, they don't come any better....she is a marvel!!...and a gorgeous girl to boot) I have picked up the needles and am slowly clacking back on track. Off for a cup of tea now....mmmm, I'm sure I've been here before!
For more creative spaces please pop over to the lovely Kirsty's ever so inspiring blog.
23 Jun 2010
J'ai une affaire! - { I'm having an affair! }

It all started innocently enough. Sideways glances whilst out shopping in the city...shy smiles across a crowded shop, hesitantly moving just that little bit closer. Before I knew it, I was ogling every square inch of his perfectly formed body, caressing his smooth skin and longing for him to come home with me! Yes, my friends, I fell in love with a KitchenAid Mixer. Not just any old mixer...a PINK one!

I hadn't even given one hint as it was one of those items you lust after but know you'll never own. Perhaps he'd heard me talk of it, or seen my flirtatious looks in the homewares shops...or perhaps he is just the most amazing hubby! I know he'll benefit well from this new liaison....lemon meringue pies, macarons and the like but I like to think that he bought it just because he loves me! And you know what.....I simply adore "the first man in my life" with all that I have and would live in a cardboard box with him if it made him smile. I love you my Darren! Mwah, mwah, mwah!
21 Jun 2010
Les Marchés au Puces - { The Market of the Fleas }

You can only begin to imagine the absolute joy I felt when I opened my vintage swap package the other day. The very generous Mary of Sewhotmitmot had not only hunted out the most delectable vintage goodies but had found the last "Naughtiest Girl in the School" book of the series...the one I could never find and hence have never read!

An early night is in order after the craziness of the weekend. I might just make a cup of tea and tuck myself in to bed with a good book. So Elizabeth what have you been up to my girl? Not being too naughty I hope!
To see what other treasures have been found please pop into Sophie's lovely blog.
Reculez à la terre - { Back down to Earth }

My Mum and I were some of the very first people through the door to set up....eager...moi? And I was all set up and ready about an hour before it all started. Just enough time to thoroughly chew off my thumb nails (and I'm not a nail biter!!), have a coffee, go to the loo...and then to the loo....and then to the loo etc. etc.

Experienced stall holders said that crowds were alot less than usual but I made quite a few sales and went home over the moon with all the wonderful comments and positive feedback I received. I even had a few wholesale enquiries!! Thanks SOOO much to all those lovelies who purchased some of my goodies and to those lovely bloggy friends who came and said hi! All in all it was a magic introduction to the world of marketeering. I shall be back! Today....Racecourse Road, Hamilton, Brisbane....tomorrow....Les Champs Élysées, Paris!!!

P.S. Sorry for the piccies....gorgeous Autumn sunlight pouring in behind us did not a good picture make!
18 Jun 2010
Le Marché de Mathilde - { Mathilda's Market }

Oh my!!! We're not in Kansas anymore Toto....we've entered the magical, exciting, delirious and all consuming land of Mathilda's Market preparation! What a naughty blogger I've been of late but rest assured I've thought of you lovelies often. But that nasty sewing machine keeps calling me (insert hoity toity voice here), "Only one more sleep, you're going to run out of time!" All right I hear ya!!! So with what is probably the most succinct and least rambly post you will ever see from me....I'd best go put my nose to the grind stone. SOOO excited about tomorrow but also a wee bit nervous! Can't wait to be part of such an amazing event and be amongst such talented people.
Would love to see there...please come and say hi! I'll be the nervous looking one talking too much and trying to keep her breakfast down.

10 Jun 2010
Mon Espace Créateur - { My Creative Space }

9) With right sides facing, sew the fronts and backs together at the sides and shoulders.Sew sleeves together also.

16) Turn the collar out so that it is facing the right way and top stitch close to the seam. Go slowly because it is quite thick.

I'm off to have a bath, pop on my dressing gown and have a lovely trawl through all the delightful creative spaces at Kirsty's lovely blog.