With trumpeters trumpeting and choirs heralding its arrival...the
cardigan is finally finished!! Bijou will have approximately 3 days to wear it before the weather turns too warm but alas..it is done! And whoa what a ride!!

I undertook this "challenge" (insert "epic marathon", "gargantuan task" or "stupid, stupid idea" as you see fit) in order to re-connect with a past craft and hopefully push myself to actually finish something woolly. I pottered on rather happily for some time but as it came time to pick up stitches, sew together seams and the scary like my confidence (and ability) abandoned me and I quite frankly...stuffed it up! The wonky, knubbly seams due to dodgy casting off (in fact I contemplated pulling out the overlocker on several occasions whilst stitching it together), the holes where stitches should be around the neckline, one armhole higher than the other, etc etc. And yes, tears were shed!

Then the real tears came! The ones signifying that no matter how hard I try, how much I want to get it right, how much I follow the pattern to the letter there are going to be times when I, as Bijou's Mumma am going to stuff it up. There will be times when I make a wrong judgement, times when she won't like me, times when I let her down, times when I embarrass her, times when I lose my temper.

I'm not perfect nor is this world (and certainly nor is her jumper!) but I can hold true to the one thing that I am absolutely certain off...I love that girl with all that is in me. And even though I'm bound to "tangle my yarn" as a Mumma, I will be doing absolutely every stitch of it with love....just like I knitted her jumper.

For other (probably far less gushy) creative spaces pop over
here. I'm going to google some simple dishcloth patterns to knit to practice my skills...something I should have done from the beginning!!